all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 6EN 58 0 53.549909 -2.784435
WN8 6EP 68 0 53.549652 -2.782558
WN8 6EQ 21 0 53.546167 -2.766995
WN8 6ER 42 0 53.550718 -2.783137
WN8 6ES 26 0 53.551514 -2.78371
WN8 6GF 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 6GG 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 6GH 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 6GL 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 6GR 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 6HA 7 7 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6HB 17 11 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6HD 4 2 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6JE 56 0 53.555928 -2.7781
WN8 6JF 49 0 53.555742 -2.780512
WN8 6JG 66 0 53.555038 -2.778114
WN8 6JN 1 1 53.561213 -2.79186
WN8 6JQ 69 0 53.554834 -2.780541
WN8 6JS 6 0 53.556555 -2.777131
WN8 6JT 50 1 53.556415 -2.779257