all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 6JU 67 0 53.557081 -2.779133
WN8 6JW 1 1 53.562678 -2.791873
WN8 6JX 73 0 53.556894 -2.781605
WN8 6JY 68 0 53.558074 -2.781219
WN8 6JZ 63 0 53.558518 -2.780639
WN8 6LA 1 1 53.554041 -2.777975
WN8 6LB 4 2 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6LD 1 1 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6LE 11 10 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6LH 2 2 53.554058 -2.777975
WN8 6LJ 46 29 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6LL 1 1 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6LN 7 5 53.549893 -2.774291
WN8 6LP 14 0 53.554667 -2.774379
WN8 6LQ 9 7 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6LT 2 2 53.550037 -2.775727
WN8 6LU 2 2 53.55189 -2.772712
WN8 6LZ 1 1 53.554284 -2.775202
WN8 6NA 2 0 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6NB 1 1 53.549935 -2.773401