all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 6ND 3 3 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6NG 5 4 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6NH 1 1 53.54969 -2.775345
WN8 6NL 1 1 53.550115 -2.776409
WN8 6NP 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 6NQ 1 1 53.549935 -2.773401
WN8 6NS 1 1 53.549874 -2.770563
WN8 6NX 1 1 53.549874 -2.770563
WN8 6NY 1 1 53.549875 -2.768948
WN8 6NZ 1 1 53.544398 -2.780257
WN8 6PA 39 0 53.552117 -2.761397
WN8 6PB 45 0 53.552398 -2.762398
WN8 6PD 57 2 53.552193 -2.763557
WN8 6PE 70 0 53.552297 -2.764087
WN8 6PF 29 1 53.552146 -2.765201
WN8 6PJ 20 0 53.566772 -2.774766
WN8 6PL 43 0 53.551721 -2.76966
WN8 6PN 59 0 53.551871 -2.771369
WN8 6PP 12 0 53.566498 -2.775441
WN8 6PR 17 0 53.567806 -2.776054