all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN8 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 8UP 28 0 53.553191 -2.816556
WN8 8UT 17 1 53.558026 -2.814068
WN8 8UY 8 0 53.556606 -2.811323
WN8 8UZ 13 1 53.554525 -2.81172
WN8 8BQ 0 53.545064 -2.807526
WN8 8BH 0 53.544661 -2.807216
WN8 8AY 0 53.54749 -2.804976
WN8 8WX 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 8TL 3 53.550611 -2.808612
WN8 8DY 3 53.560268 -2.80549
WN8 8ED 1 53.555493 -2.806878