all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 8EY 16 0 53.550231 -2.800998
WN8 8EZ 14 0 53.550977 -2.800997
WN8 8FW 1 1 53.544382 -2.780258
WN8 8HA 18 0 53.551185 -2.802103
WN8 8HB 17 0 53.551309 -2.803811
WN8 8HD 62 0 53.550281 -2.802886
WN8 8HE 12 0 53.550535 -2.803704
WN8 8HF 16 0 53.550978 -2.804876
WN8 8HG 71 0 53.550217 -2.804409
WN8 8HH 37 0 53.548745 -2.802766
WN8 8HJ 40 0 53.548413 -2.80276
WN8 8HL 30 0 53.547869 -2.802085
WN8 8HN 70 1 53.547866 -2.80121
WN8 8HP 13 2 53.550983 -2.806778
WN8 8HQ 5 0 53.548599 -2.801813
WN8 8HR 1 1 53.55105 -2.807519
WN8 8HS 13 2 53.550571 -2.806316
WN8 8HT 50 0 53.55129 -2.80529
WN8 8HU 4 0 53.552406 -2.807786
WN8 8HW 37 2 53.550106 -2.80483