all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 8BL 72 1 53.544618 -2.808272
WN8 8BN 10 0 53.545562 -2.806629
WN8 8BP 32 0 53.544479 -2.810246
WN8 8BS 42 1 53.544694 -2.811639
WN8 8BT 4 0 53.542433 -2.817692
WN8 8BU 13 0 53.542643 -2.818208
WN8 8BX 60 2 53.545208 -2.811149
WN8 8BZ 6 0 53.547645 -2.799259
WN8 8DE 4 0 53.55075 -2.798729
WN8 8DF 11 0 53.5482 -2.798273
WN8 8DG 14 0 53.547765 -2.798839
WN8 8DH 51 0 53.548575 -2.796001
WN8 8DJ 40 0 53.549507 -2.796336
WN8 8DL 15 1 53.549379 -2.795277
WN8 8DN 26 0 53.548534 -2.797978
WN8 8DP 31 0 53.549286 -2.797116
WN8 8DQ 3 3 53.547957 -2.797031
WN8 8DR 28 0 53.55101 -2.797451
WN8 8DS 6 0 53.550816 -2.798247
WN8 8DT 8 0 53.551612 -2.798518