all postcodes in WN8 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN8 8DU 8 0 53.551356 -2.79951
WN8 8DW 46 0 53.549301 -2.79766
WN8 8DZ 3 2 53.558672 -2.795496
WN8 8EA 7 7 53.562112 -2.799727
WN8 8EB 12 12 53.559387 -2.798589
WN8 8EE 1 1 53.558671 -2.802365
WN8 8EF 16 15 53.556044 -2.802541
WN8 8EG 55 0 53.553155 -2.807333
WN8 8EH 48 3 53.551849 -2.802342
WN8 8EJ 63 0 53.552976 -2.801835
WN8 8EL 67 2 53.553129 -2.800494
WN8 8EN 22 0 53.551834 -2.799278
WN8 8EP 14 0 53.550944 -2.800604
WN8 8EQ 68 0 53.553563 -2.80811
WN8 8ER 14 0 53.550367 -2.799506
WN8 8ES 10 0 53.550057 -2.798761
WN8 8ET 41 0 53.54946 -2.800682
WN8 8EU 26 0 53.549893 -2.801852
WN8 8EW 16 0 53.551068 -2.799444
WN8 8EX 14 0 53.550717 -2.8022