all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 1QW 14 4 52.583225 -1.978891
WS1 1QZ 17 5 52.583773 -1.98047
WS1 1RE 25 18 52.583515 -1.982231
WS1 1RG 1 1 52.586383 -1.980858
WS1 1RH 1 1 52.58327 -1.98165
WS1 1RJ 7 5 52.583021 -1.981951
WS1 1RL 14 4 52.582479 -1.982079
WS1 1RR 1 1 52.582005 -1.983073
WS1 1RS 13 5 52.582769 -1.980151
WS1 1RY 3 0 52.583713 -1.981597
WS1 1RZ 2 2 52.582623 -1.983023
WS1 1SA 4 0 52.582419 -1.983619
WS1 1SE 8 4 52.585394 -1.979146
WS1 1SL 8 6 52.586182 -1.978048
WS1 1SP 1 1 52.585897 -1.978526
WS1 1SQ 3 2 52.585508 -1.978122
WS1 1SR 1 1 52.583965 -1.981523
WS1 1SX 1 1 52.585257 -1.979967
WS1 1SY 8 6 52.586841 -1.977182
WS1 1SZ 10 9 52.587767 -1.976547