all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 1YS 17 16 52.58446 -1.98412
WS1 1YT 30 26 52.583938 -1.983914
WS1 1WY 1 52.586012 -1.98128
WS1 1RA 0 52.582095 -1.980668
WS1 1RB 2 52.582113 -1.980653
WS1 1NN 1 52.586363 -1.98376
WS1 1AB 1 52.589062 -1.978967
WS1 1AE 1 52.585735 -1.979869
WS1 1QE 1 52.583928 -1.978704
WS1 1PY 1 0 52.584394 -1.980012
WS1 2AA 7 2 52.585106 -1.976298
WS1 2AB 1 0 52.589302 -1.969815
WS1 2AD 2 0 52.58558 -1.976498
WS1 2AE 40 0 52.584845 -1.975678
WS1 2AF 45 0 52.586472 -1.975042
WS1 2AG 4 3 52.5878 -1.974283
WS1 2AJ 6 3 52.588287 -1.973565
WS1 2AL 39 0 52.584926 -1.976814
WS1 2AN 1 1 52.588422 -1.974008
WS1 2AR 30 0 52.587173 -1.973153