all postcodes in WS1 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 1TJ 35 28 52.587648 -1.977353
WS1 1TH 1 1 52.586464 -1.980872
WS1 1TN 1 1 52.586383 -1.980858
WS1 1TP 1 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS1 1TR 1 1 52.586149 -1.978983
WS1 1TS 1 1 52.586598 -1.978481
WS1 1TU 2 1 52.586812 -1.978269
WS1 1TW 1 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS1 1UF 1 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS1 1UG 1 1 52.587156 -1.977891
WS1 1UT 1 1 52.588324 -1.976591
WS1 1UZ 1 1 52.585735 -1.979869
WS1 1WF 1 1 52.586012 -1.98128
WS1 1XA 8 0 52.587551 -1.978805
WS1 1XB 14 4 52.587425 -1.978555
WS1 1XR 1 1 52.586104 -1.982467
WS1 1XS 4 4 52.586985 -1.981433
WS1 1XU 1 1 52.586383 -1.980858
WS1 1XZ 5 5 52.586821 -1.978786
WS1 1YA 28 0 52.587138 -1.981093