all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 8BB 0 52.595831 -1.982108
WS2 8BD 0 52.59576 -1.982935
WS2 8BE 1 52.591793 -1.982887
WS2 8BL 0 52.595032 -1.988132
WS2 8BN 0 52.594897 -1.987099
WS2 8BP 0 52.595266 -1.986892
WS2 8BQ 2 52.595868 -1.987999
WS2 8BS 5 52.596461 -1.987393
WS2 8BU 2 52.596434 -1.986906
WS2 8BX 0 52.595472 -1.986065
WS2 8BY 0 52.59549 -1.984028
WS2 8BZ 0 52.595236 -1.984214
WS2 8DA 2 52.594537 -1.984855
WS2 8DB 0 52.595275 -1.98636
WS2 8DD 3 52.586609 -1.992828
WS2 8DF 15 52.587327 -1.984946
WS2 8DG 10 52.587658 -1.985383
WS2 8DR 5 52.59022 -1.985515
WS2 8DU 10 52.591479 -1.985913
WS2 8DW 2 52.589078 -1.984925