all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7RE 50 0 52.597064 -2.011974
WS2 7RF 17 0 52.597954 -2.010365
WS2 7RG 56 1 52.597882 -2.008918
WS2 7RH 10 0 52.596938 -2.010837
WS2 7RJ 0 52.597226 -2.009597
WS2 7RL 0 52.597082 -2.008328
WS2 7WS 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 7YR 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 7YX 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 7YZ 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 7PT 1 52.600381 -1.994686
WS2 7AD 0 52.607744 -2.006277
WS2 7AB 0 52.606108 -2.003988
WS2 7AE 0 52.60787 -2.00576
WS2 7BF 0 52.598509 -1.989321
WS2 7BS 0 52.598331 -1.990715
WS2 7BT 0 52.599372 -1.991078
WS2 7BW 0 52.599455 -1.989888
WS2 7BX 0 52.597619 -1.987963
WS2 7FA 0 52.599507 -2.000542