all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 7LZ 23 21 52.608166 -2.010958
WS2 7NA 1 1 52.606314 -2.012331
WS2 7NJ 1 1 52.607393 -2.012627
WS2 7NL 5 4 52.607995 -2.013188
WS2 7ED 1 0 52.611501 -2.014873
WS2 7NN 20 1 52.611132 -2.020027
WS2 7NQ 11 9 52.609263 -2.013587
WS2 7NR 1 1 52.610053 -2.01725
WS2 7NW 1 1 52.611159 -2.014208
WS2 7PB 7 7 52.602008 -1.993549
WS2 7PD 1 1 52.602521 -1.999721
WS2 7PH 13 10 52.609029 -2.012391
WS2 7PL 1 1 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 7PS 3 3 52.609973 -2.014931
WS2 7PW 1 0 52.585996 -1.981286
WS2 7QY 13 0 52.60725 -2.006233
WS2 7QZ 14 13 52.605739 -2.007104
WS2 7RA 35 0 52.59763 -2.011015
WS2 7RB 19 0 52.5979 -2.012491
WS2 7RD 11 0 52.597378 -2.012727