all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 2SG 39 0 52.587574 -2.099514
WV1 2SH 10 0 52.587615 -2.103632
WV1 2SJ 24 0 52.58642 -2.103157
WV1 2SL 28 0 52.586438 -2.103777
WV1 2SN 16 0 52.58437 -2.104008
WV1 2SP 4 0 52.583786 -2.103549
WV1 2SQ 8 2 52.587625 -2.103056
WV1 2SR 1 1 52.589647 -2.100811
WV1 2SS 1 1 52.589783 -2.102633
WV1 2SW 2 0 52.584799 -2.103398
WV1 2SX 10 0 52.574233 -2.099085
WV1 2SY 78 1 52.574441 -2.097772
WV1 2SZ 28 0 52.574316 -2.096518
WV1 2TA 12 0 52.573831 -2.096059
WV1 2TB 50 0 52.573911 -2.097579
WV1 2TD 45 0 52.573841 -2.094761
WV1 2TE 10 0 52.574328 -2.093965
WV1 2TF 8 0 52.574802 -2.093812
WV1 2TG 8 0 52.575047 -2.093878
WV1 2TH 29 0 52.576792 -2.092022