all postcodes in YO1 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 9QY 14 0 53.955598 -1.076378
YO1 9RA 1 1 53.957085 -1.081603
YO1 9RD 10 9 53.956944 -1.081896
YO1 9RE 1 1 53.956414 -1.081908
YO1 9RG 41 6 53.957157 -1.08155
YO1 9RJ 1 1 53.956607 -1.08137
YO1 9RL 9 1 53.957037 -1.081178
YO1 9RN 32 11 53.957294 -1.08073
YO1 9RP 11 6 53.957016 -1.080797
YO1 9RQ 1 1 53.956499 -1.081281
YO1 9RZ 9 0 53.955286 -1.081353
YO1 9SA 14 7 53.955589 -1.080981
YO1 9SB 3 3 53.956174 -1.081121
YO1 9SF 8 3 53.955773 -1.081541
YO1 9SH 3 0 53.955604 -1.081819
YO1 9SJ 5 0 53.955423 -1.081686
YO1 9SL 3 1 53.956481 -1.082516
YO1 9SN 4 2 53.956924 -1.082857
YO1 9SP 12 3 53.957317 -1.082552
YO1 9SR 1 1 53.95687 -1.082827