all postcodes in YO1 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 9SW 6 3 53.956904 -1.082507
YO1 9TA 41 16 53.958364 -1.078353
YO1 9TB 10 0 53.957646 -1.077324
YO1 9TF 45 17 53.958186 -1.078677
YO1 9TJ 44 14 53.957245 -1.07661
YO1 9TL 697 8 53.956512 -1.073661
YO1 9TN 15 4 53.958152 -1.077633
YO1 9TR 1 1 53.956259 -1.073407
YO1 9TT 8 6 53.95745 -1.076353
YO1 9TU 14 1 53.957374 -1.078183
YO1 9TW 10 0 53.958778 -1.078411
YO1 9TX 44 14 53.957114 -1.077146
YO1 9TY 5 4 53.956578 -1.075214
YO1 9TZ 9 6 53.956348 -1.074518
YO1 9UA 16 8 53.955843 -1.073127
YO1 9UB 22 1 53.955294 -1.071898
YO1 9UD 41 4 53.955659 -1.071485
YO1 9UF 13 0 53.956313 -1.071166
YO1 9UG 17 0 53.9564 -1.071895
YO1 9UH 22 0 53.957212 -1.072328