all postcodes in YO1 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 9NJ 0 53.958306 -1.082561
YO1 9SE 0 53.957311 -1.075816
YO1 9SG 0 53.95742 -1.076018
YO1 9SU 0 53.957389 -1.075455
YO1 9SX 0 53.957624 -1.075633
YO1 9WJ 1 53.954348 -1.080947
YO1 9SY 1 53.957517 -1.078058
YO1 9RY 1 53.955586 -1.078268
YO1 9US 0 53.958395 -1.078923
YO1 9PA 0 53.957333 -1.072881
YO1 9PD 0 53.95731 -1.073415
YO1 9PN 0 53.956971 -1.073712
YO1 9RH 0 53.956292 -1.08127
YO1 9RF 54 0 53.957714 -1.073375
YO1 9RS 5 0 53.957558 -1.072967
YO1 9WB 1 1 53.958113 -1.079584
YO1 9ST 60 1 53.956022 -1.076567
YO1 9SZ 60 0 53.956022 -1.076567
YO1 9AB 14 0 53.956131 -1.075492
YO1 9AA 1 0 53.956843 -1.076893