all postcodes in YO19 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO19 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO19 5PQ 0 53.962946 -0.981204
YO19 5PR 0 53.967139 -0.984913
YO19 5PS 0 53.966115 -0.984983
YO19 5PT 0 53.965967 -0.984484
YO19 5PU 0 53.965703 -0.98417
YO19 5PW 2 53.965811 -0.980951
YO19 5PX 0 53.96491 -0.982757
YO19 5PY 0 53.964885 -0.984083
YO19 5PZ 0 53.966289 -0.985421
YO19 5QA 0 53.963672 -0.98521
YO19 5QB 0 53.964562 -0.985265
YO19 5QD 0 53.963956 -0.984807
YO19 5QE 0 53.963462 -0.984834
YO19 5QF 0 53.96367 -0.986049
YO19 5QG 1 53.963688 -0.987115
YO19 5QH 0 53.963774 -0.987723
YO19 5QJ 0 53.962413 -0.9905
YO19 5QL 0 53.961944 -0.989246
YO19 5QN 0 53.961578 -0.988477
YO19 5QP 0 53.96352 -0.984269