all postcodes in YO19 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO19 5UD 3 53.980003 -0.973545
YO19 5WB 0 53.97756 -0.973803
YO19 5UE 0 53.979628 -0.971755
YO19 5UF 5 53.961075 -1.006893
YO19 5UG 0 53.965489 -1.00909
YO19 5UH 1 53.967794 -1.010681
YO19 5UJ 0 53.965515 -1.014455
YO19 5UL 0 53.966109 -1.014578
YO19 5UN 2 53.960045 -1.028225
YO19 5UP 14 53.96156 -1.027756
YO19 5UQ 1 53.966229 -1.010642
YO19 5UR 0 53.961184 -1.037983
YO19 5UT 1 53.961744 -1.00738
YO19 5UU 0 53.97958 -0.97351
YO19 5UW 4 53.959802 -1.030342
YO19 5UX 4 53.960888 -1.029135
YO19 5UY 8 53.962134 -1.005603
YO19 5UZ 0 53.963162 -1.026902
YO19 5WA 0 53.966079 -1.009884
YO19 5XB 1 53.975878 -1.021102