all postcodes in YO19 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO19 5XD 4 53.975009 -1.014764
YO19 5XE 1 53.97869 -1.012131
YO19 5XF 0 53.980085 -1.010125
YO19 5XG 1 53.983254 -0.996682
YO19 5XH 0 53.983363 -0.981841
YO19 5XJ 0 53.987795 -0.988398
YO19 5XL 2 53.990264 -0.97211
YO19 5XN 0 53.988387 -0.97128
YO19 5XP 1 53.994166 -0.972242
YO19 5XQ 1 53.979419 -0.990623
YO19 5XR 0 53.999113 -0.963318
YO19 5XS 4 54.003257 -0.972781
YO19 5XW 1 53.990365 -0.97136
YO19 5YB 1 53.96043 -1.092336
YO19 5YW 1 53.96043 -1.092336
YO19 5JZ 0 53.95559 -0.980857
YO19 5RX 0 53.958684 -1.02879
YO19 5AA 0 53.971626 -0.971388
YO19 5SN 2 53.957675 -0.975389
YO19 5AB 4 0 53.962559 -0.988591