all postcodes in YO22 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO22 4TN 4 0 54.432186 -0.547549
YO22 4TP 3 0 54.432148 -0.54812
YO22 4TQ 7 1 54.433861 -0.542617
YO22 4TS 2 0 54.432898 -0.549467
YO22 4TT 12 0 54.431486 -0.546941
YO22 4TU 18 0 54.430506 -0.54841
YO22 4TW 5 1 54.431947 -0.547881
YO22 4TX 4 0 54.430705 -0.549251
YO22 4TY 3 0 54.430659 -0.549915
YO22 4TZ 27 0 54.430598 -0.552601
YO22 4UA 10 0 54.431042 -0.548853
YO22 4UB 26 0 54.428766 -0.546467
YO22 4UD 24 0 54.428764 -0.546991
YO22 4UE 16 0 54.427946 -0.547051
YO22 4UF 2 1 54.427779 -0.54513
YO22 4UG 2 0 54.426232 -0.537048
YO22 4UH 1 0 54.416478 -0.537363
YO22 4UJ 7 0 54.428066 -0.548018
YO22 4UL 3 0 54.402676 -0.53573
YO22 4US 1 0 54.401333 -0.542864