all postcodes in YO22 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO22 4UN 13 0 54.429836 -0.547971
YO22 4UQ 5 0 54.420567 -0.534381
YO22 4FD 0 54.480823 -0.611348
YO22 4FG 0 54.480012 -0.612749
YO22 4FH 0 54.479655 -0.612931
YO22 4LZ 0 54.47535 -0.602798
YO22 4FE 0 54.480684 -0.6118
YO22 4NY 0 54.474006 -0.618832
YO22 4NZ 0 54.473149 -0.619308
YO22 4NL 2 2 54.470822 -0.59942
YO22 4PZ 1 1 54.473289 -0.599753
YO22 4UP 10 0 54.427388 -0.546917
YO22 4AH 18 0 54.47582 -0.61161
YO22 4PX 6 0 54.463917 -0.595057
YO22 4QP 24 0 54.472246 -0.61218
YO22 4QR 19 0 54.472602 -0.611149
YO22 4QS 6 0 54.471152 -0.610595
YO22 4QT 4 0 54.471394 -0.611251
YO22 4QU 37 0 54.472198 -0.609574
YO22 4UR 1 0 54.402152 -0.535253