all postcodes in YO22 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO22 4QX 2 2 54.472727 -0.603229
YO22 4BF 2 0 54.486427 -0.610465
YO22 4BT 37 0 54.476449 -0.608025
YO22 4BU 33 0 54.477373 -0.607824
YO22 5AA 34 1 54.45987 -0.66292
YO22 5AB 11 0 54.45769 -0.660091
YO22 5AD 39 0 54.459597 -0.661834
YO22 5AE 10 0 54.460464 -0.657347
YO22 5AJ 2 0 54.456573 -0.656564
YO22 5AF 1 0 54.459345 -0.659343
YO22 5AG 12 0 54.45874 -0.659395
YO22 5AL 1 0 54.399894 -0.720158
YO22 5AN 42 2 54.397192 -0.723893
YO22 5AP 4 0 54.377855 -0.746586
YO22 5AR 5 0 54.389961 -0.747449
YO22 5AS 4 0 54.41297 -0.743189
YO22 5AT 2 0 54.432061 -0.748849
YO22 5AU 4 0 54.424752 -0.7483
YO22 5AW 7 0 54.395108 -0.729071
YO22 5AX 6 0 54.431009 -0.763217