all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 4NW 3 0 54.067967 -0.279759
YO25 4NX 6 0 54.062645 -0.276572
YO25 4PA 31 0 54.014108 -0.389536
YO25 4PB 12 0 54.014785 -0.389082
YO25 4PD 52 0 54.017461 -0.384171
YO25 4QA 34 0 54.01296 -0.391732
YO25 4QB 10 0 54.013706 -0.391749
YO25 4QD 12 0 54.013084 -0.390964
YO25 4QE 11 0 54.012511 -0.390452
YO25 4QR 24 0 54.022114 -0.394035
YO25 4QS 9 0 54.038921 -0.332485
YO25 4QT 8 0 54.039301 -0.333294
YO25 4QU 6 1 54.040379 -0.331342
YO25 4QY 20 1 54.040102 -0.334698
YO25 4QZ 9 1 54.039883 -0.337576
YO25 4RA 6 0 54.039275 -0.338579
YO25 4RB 30 0 54.065331 -0.379272
YO25 4RD 7 0 54.063968 -0.390159
YO25 4RE 17 1 54.064918 -0.373189
YO25 4RF 1 1 54.064281 -0.372727