all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 3TR 6 0 54.086688 -0.457208
YO25 3TS 18 0 54.086076 -0.456451
YO25 3TT 17 0 54.082878 -0.455897
YO25 3TU 14 0 54.082786 -0.454295
YO25 3TW 5 0 54.087944 -0.45843
YO25 3TX 3 0 54.077411 -0.433447
YO25 3TY 3 1 54.093888 -0.442566
YO25 3TZ 11 0 54.084505 -0.456555
YO25 3XG 2 1 54.069593 -0.579148
YO25 3XH 4 0 54.070809 -0.576344
YO25 3XJ 15 0 54.072174 -0.576252
YO25 3XL 10 0 54.070486 -0.571083
YO25 3XN 10 0 54.07102 -0.569888
YO25 3XP 2 1 54.070228 -0.570523
YO25 3XQ 8 1 54.071281 -0.574384
YO25 3XR 12 0 54.069878 -0.569102
YO25 3XS 4 0 54.069299 -0.568724
YO25 3XT 7 0 54.081546 -0.574479
YO25 3XU 3 0 54.071169 -0.62189
YO25 3XW 4 0 54.071389 -0.569138