all postcodes in YO31 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO31 0XJ 5 0 53.963993 -1.067108
YO31 0XL 6 0 53.963536 -1.067179
YO31 0XN 26 0 53.96328 -1.067795
YO31 0XP 49 0 53.963561 -1.068185
YO31 0XQ 13 0 53.964545 -1.066319
YO31 0XW 6 0 53.964074 -1.068158
YO31 0YA 16 0 53.963074 -1.056459
YO31 0YB 35 0 53.959933 -1.059289
YO31 0YR 1 1 53.978217 -1.065373
YO31 0XS 0 53.964772 -1.066725
YO31 0SH 0 53.962682 -1.055736
YO31 0RJ 25 0 53.961625 -1.044771
YO31 0RQ 36 0 53.961829 -1.044394
YO31 0RW 45 0 53.962098 -1.043199
YO31 0SG 12 0 53.960941 -1.045838
YO31 0SJ 39 0 53.96114 -1.044858
YO31 0RF 1 1 53.963961 -1.054915
YO31 0PJ 29 0 53.965469 -1.05014
YO31 0WD 7 0 53.963376 -1.041204
YO31 1AE 27 4 53.966607 -1.05766