all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 9SA 30 0 53.996972 -1.054656
YO32 9SB 4 0 54.001191 -1.057398
YO32 9SD 7 0 54.001285 -1.056724
YO32 9SE 32 0 54.00145 -1.054844
YO32 9SF 28 0 54.001415 -1.060719
YO32 9SG 12 0 54.001276 -1.060188
YO32 9SH 42 1 54.002883 -1.05768
YO32 9SJ 36 1 54.006518 -1.05483
YO32 9SL 52 0 54.007665 -1.057887
YO32 9SN 12 0 54.007885 -1.052679
YO32 9SP 18 1 54.021627 -1.04909
YO32 9SQ 14 0 54.006197 -1.056379
YO32 9SR 1 0 54.019475 -1.037295
YO32 9SS 1 1 54.01975 -1.032329
YO32 9ST 8 4 54.018333 -1.011681
YO32 9SU 24 4 53.999661 -1.028874
YO32 9LL 3 0 54.014471 -1.044502
YO32 9SW 30 3 54.015777 -1.049371
YO32 9SX 30 0 54.003491 -1.058515
YO32 9SY 28 0 54.003695 -1.059365