all postcodes in YO32 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO32 9SZ 32 0 54.002806 -1.060519
YO32 9TA 7 2 53.978101 -1.055098
YO32 9TB 20 2 53.980953 -1.058861
YO32 9TD 14 2 53.979428 -1.051241
YO32 9TE 14 6 53.980087 -1.047063
YO32 9TF 27 0 53.989522 -1.032221
YO32 9TG 39 3 53.987439 -1.026931
YO32 9TH 14 3 53.991068 -1.026603
YO32 9TJ 5 0 53.988632 -1.028856
YO32 9TL 16 2 54.009984 -1.009676
YO32 9TN 5 1 54.001088 -1.013142
YO32 9TQ 12 0 53.987853 -1.02468
YO32 9TR 6 1 54.01076 -0.987307
YO32 9TS 5 0 54.002772 -0.993079
YO32 9TT 3 0 53.986632 -1.02602
YO32 9TU 19 0 54.00216 -1.060626
YO32 9TW 16 5 54.016785 -0.98449
YO32 9TX 7 0 53.99293 -1.00375
YO32 9TY 22 0 53.99232 -1.003886
YO32 9TZ 11 0 53.992679 -1.003923