all postcodes in YO60 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO60 7DA 1 54.121382 -0.905891
YO60 7DB 0 54.127725 -0.890911
YO60 7DD 1 54.132806 -0.911957
YO60 7DE 0 54.132134 -0.913318
YO60 7DF 0 54.135899 -0.899233
YO60 7DG 0 54.141166 -0.906135
YO60 7DJ 0 54.122794 -0.922945
YO60 7DL 0 54.099213 -0.93363
YO60 7DN 0 54.099262 -0.932929
YO60 7DQ 0 54.140295 -0.92119
YO60 7DX 2 54.102901 -0.901774
YO60 7DY 0 54.103031 -0.902306
YO60 7DZ 2 54.103348 -0.901502
YO60 7EA 0 54.102576 -0.895788
YO60 7EB 0 54.103299 -0.904012
YO60 7ED 0 54.102608 -0.898218
YO60 7EE 0 54.102956 -0.897949
YO60 7EF 0 54.102821 -0.896943
YO60 7EG 0 54.101536 -0.897069
YO60 7EP 5 54.096498 -0.884996