all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 2PN 13 0 54.124328 -1.329211
YO61 2PP 5 0 54.121758 -1.3276
YO61 2PQ 7 0 54.12504 -1.33063
YO61 2PR 8 0 54.122956 -1.329631
YO61 2PS 12 0 54.122467 -1.328966
YO61 2PT 1 0 54.121534 -1.327213
YO61 2PU 7 1 54.122105 -1.33015
YO61 2PW 20 0 54.1226 -1.328673
YO61 2PX 4 0 54.122464 -1.331827
YO61 2PY 15 0 54.122929 -1.331268
YO61 2PZ 30 0 54.125533 -1.327585
YO61 2QA 16 0 54.126417 -1.328229
YO61 2QB 3 0 54.127927 -1.330889
YO61 2QD 2 0 54.141879 -1.320845
YO61 2QE 6 0 54.147754 -1.310859
YO61 2QF 4 0 54.148121 -1.294494
YO61 2QG 12 1 54.156033 -1.287392
YO61 2QH 3 0 54.145721 -1.27771
YO61 2QJ 3 0 54.12549 -1.329621
YO61 2QL 8 0 54.12525 -1.330129