all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 1EG 0 54.081735 -1.070641
YO61 1EH 1 54.08509 -1.109104
YO61 1EJ 0 54.076484 -1.103333
YO61 1EN 2 54.064646 -1.11194
YO61 1EP 0 54.06464 -1.111207
YO61 1EQ 0 54.078184 -1.10351
YO61 1ER 0 54.04535 -1.115503
YO61 1ES 3 0 54.049226 -1.102631
YO61 1ET 21 11 54.059196 -1.09434
YO61 1EU 1 0 54.054175 -1.074774
YO61 1EX 3 0 54.062922 -1.089319
YO61 1EY 13 9 54.065435 -1.092187
YO61 1EZ 5 0 54.073644 -1.114352
YO61 1HA 17 0 54.081362 -1.136199
YO61 1HB 20 0 54.077978 -1.126869
YO61 1HD 5 0 54.078018 -1.131433
YO61 1HE 3 0 54.076037 -1.131862
YO61 1HF 8 0 54.076651 -1.134692
YO61 1YA 13 0 54.080279 -1.135549
YO61 1HH 7 0 54.082411 -1.137109