all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 1LN 20 0 54.103825 -1.112114
YO61 1LP 4 0 54.103623 -1.116084
YO61 1LR 14 1 54.104113 -1.118271
YO61 1LS 3 0 54.107407 -1.13758
YO61 1LT 8 0 54.110835 -1.150679
YO61 1LU 1 0 54.099264 -1.132233
YO61 1LW 6 0 54.103903 -1.113906
YO61 1LX 5 0 54.098995 -1.124883
YO61 1LY 4 0 54.091291 -1.117263
YO61 1NA 2 0 54.090785 -1.076478
YO61 1NB 3 0 54.092666 -1.09063
YO61 1ND 39 0 54.101934 -1.107979
YO61 1NG 23 5 54.103624 -1.101708
YO61 1NH 7 0 54.106285 -1.080375
YO61 1NJ 1 0 54.1013 -1.074858
YO61 1NL 4 0 54.104376 -1.065888
YO61 1NP 1 0 54.089798 -1.057822
YO61 1NQ 2 0 54.101475 -1.088643
YO61 1NR 4 0 54.099394 -1.057421
YO61 1NS 2 0 54.106912 -1.059372