all postcodes in YO61 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO61 1HJ 29 0 54.087367 -1.136303
YO61 1HN 50 0 54.089033 -1.136758
YO61 1HL 12 0 54.086792 -1.135077
YO61 1HP 8 0 54.086606 -1.133002
YO61 1HQ 29 4 54.083292 -1.135807
YO61 1HS 26 2 54.08298 -1.135003
YO61 1HR 30 0 54.084663 -1.131891
YO61 1HT 30 1 54.080553 -1.138722
YO61 1HU 5 0 54.079867 -1.140831
YO61 1HW 28 0 54.086436 -1.131813
YO61 1HX 13 1 54.080309 -1.141259
YO61 1HY 5 0 54.08143 -1.138154
YO61 1HZ 3 0 54.075164 -1.149379
YO61 1JA 9 1 54.084135 -1.157084
YO61 1JB 4 2 54.081275 -1.175402
YO61 1JD 7 0 54.071178 -1.166683
YO61 1JE 7 0 54.079639 -1.184214
YO61 1JF 38 0 54.087775 -1.134323
YO61 1JG 14 0 54.087197 -1.130161
YO61 1JL 3 0 54.088244 -1.135842