all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 5BB 5 0 54.245006 -1.05297
YO62 5BD 4 0 54.244766 -1.052208
YO62 5BE 9 0 54.244874 -1.05331
YO62 5BG 25 13 54.245854 -1.060347
YO62 5BH 10 7 54.246204 -1.060688
YO62 5BJ 7 6 54.246821 -1.061001
YO62 5BL 13 9 54.245963 -1.061588
YO62 5BN 7 6 54.245625 -1.060966
YO62 5BP 1 1 54.247619 -1.059996
YO62 5BQ 3 0 54.2458 -1.056865
YO62 5BR 21 3 54.246839 -1.059788
YO62 5BU 5 0 54.246412 -1.058079
YO62 5BW 6 1 54.24687 -1.060401
YO62 5BX 17 0 54.245302 -1.057567
YO62 5BY 18 0 54.246185 -1.058295
YO62 5BZ 36 4 54.244493 -1.055253
YO62 5DA 5 0 54.245532 -1.055904
YO62 5DB 8 0 54.245516 -1.055045
YO62 5DD 11 0 54.246589 -1.055512
YO62 5DE 31 1 54.245945 -1.054667