all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 5YJ 6 0 54.202371 -1.047705
YO62 5YL 2 0 54.204519 -1.043452
YO62 5YQ 2 1 54.210427 -1.075039
YO62 5GZ 0 54.344718 -1.066217
YO62 5EU 0 54.248084 -1.056966
YO62 5ET 0 54.247646 -1.059616
YO62 5DJ 0 54.246388 -1.059583
YO62 5DL 0 54.248218 -1.057976
YO62 5BF 1 0 54.286366 -1.212947
YO62 5DR 8 7 54.245447 -1.061078
YO62 5QU 1 0 54.296467 -1.167259
YO62 5FA 20 0 54.247813 -1.053761
YO62 5ES 8 0 54.247755 -1.06139
YO62 5FB 1 0 54.249983 -1.054264