all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 7JQ 0 54.302348 -0.965993
YO62 7JU 0 54.309983 -0.946361
YO62 7JW 0 54.362209 -1.053616
YO62 7JX 0 54.327355 -0.960679
YO62 7JY 0 54.340096 -0.967062
YO62 7JZ 0 54.345895 -0.968455
YO62 7LA 1 54.371702 -0.993887
YO62 7LB 1 54.359644 -0.96245
YO62 7LD 0 54.366701 -0.959455
YO62 7LE 0 54.368147 -0.96456
YO62 7LF 1 54.368656 -0.971581
YO62 7LG 0 54.371388 -0.961521
YO62 7LH 0 54.38078 -0.993896
YO62 7LQ 1 54.388434 -0.954886
YO62 7LR 0 54.276592 -0.914731
YO62 7LS 0 54.280399 -0.917303
YO62 7RA 0 54.25444 -0.99378
YO62 7RB 0 54.2482 -0.975362
YO62 7RD 1 54.253381 -0.995111
YO62 7RE 0 54.254705 -0.994661