all postcodes in YO62 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO62 7SD 2 54.241261 -0.99028
YO62 7SE 1 54.247106 -0.973532
YO62 7SG 0 54.254268 -0.994752
YO62 7SH 0 54.253238 -1.000594
YO62 7SJ 0 54.251704 -0.994461
YO62 7SL 1 54.250664 -0.995775
YO62 7SN 0 54.2526 -0.995253
YO62 7SP 0 54.255378 -1.00834
YO62 7SS 0 54.253937 -0.997139
YO62 7ST 0 54.252575 -0.99863
YO62 7SU 1 54.25313 -0.997297
YO62 7SW 1 54.253126 -0.995762
YO62 7SX 0 54.254178 -1.000172
YO62 7SY 0 54.253881 -0.999059
YO62 7TA 0 54.253446 -1.001848
YO62 7SZ 0 54.254282 -1.002887
YO62 7TB 0 54.252002 -1.003325
YO62 7TD 0 54.249393 -1.01752
YO62 7TE 1 54.265854 -1.02332
YO62 7TF 0 54.301038 -1.043156