all postcodes in YO8 / SELBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO8 6NA 11 0 53.818439 -0.908343
YO8 6NB 16 0 53.818108 -0.920473
YO8 6ND 10 0 53.817958 -0.917789
YO8 6NF 8 0 53.81922 -0.917224
YO8 6NG 2 0 53.777313 -0.99731
YO8 6NH 62 2 53.776718 -0.994011
YO8 6NJ 14 0 53.777301 -0.993906
YO8 6NL 13 1 53.778513 -0.997003
YO8 6PQ 5 0 53.777987 -0.994238
YO8 6NN 25 5 53.780918 -0.99646
YO8 6NP 7 0 53.7815 -0.992986
YO8 6NQ 14 0 53.777557 -0.999788
YO8 6NR 11 0 53.782479 -0.997166
YO8 6NS 37 0 53.782029 -0.993899
YO8 6NT 16 0 53.782605 -0.992975
YO8 6NU 80 0 53.785385 -0.994274
YO8 6NW 10 0 53.781245 -0.996953
YO8 6NX 2 0 53.792034 -0.999145
YO8 6NY 3 0 53.817624 -0.915686
YO8 6NZ 3 0 53.782821 -0.994077