all postcodes in YO8 / SELBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO8 6PA 7 1 53.795757 -0.995301
YO8 6PB 3 0 53.793747 -1.00549
YO8 6PD 9 0 53.788156 -1.011891
YO8 6PE 9 0 53.785544 -1.009985
YO8 6PF 8 0 53.782377 -1.002238
YO8 6PG 5 0 53.781281 -1.002072
YO8 6PH 3 0 53.775418 -0.988903
YO8 6PJ 1 0 53.773234 -0.984899
YO8 6PL 5 0 53.765411 -0.996091
YO8 6PN 1 0 53.770335 -1.002478
YO8 6PR 18 4 53.829522 -0.855141
YO8 6PS 24 0 53.827459 -0.85462
YO8 6PT 4 0 53.82824 -0.854805
YO8 6PU 6 0 53.827772 -0.854681
YO8 6PW 45 0 53.778123 -0.99548
YO8 6PX 26 0 53.823429 -0.84892
YO8 6PY 1 0 53.831115 -0.859391
YO8 6PZ 11 1 53.83159 -0.83578
YO8 6QA 8 0 53.771331 -0.977814
YO8 6QB 25 0 53.770501 -0.977363