all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 6DR 3 1 57.144329 -2.10461
AB11 6DS 48 4 57.142399 -2.103283
AB11 6DT 1 0 57.144155 -2.105858
AB11 6DU 10 0 57.142266 -2.108298
AB11 6DX 2 1 57.144608 -2.104181
AB11 6DY 21 6 57.143465 -2.10346
AB11 6EA 10 3 57.143652 -2.105675
AB11 6EB 28 1 57.142817 -2.105127
AB11 6ED 28 1 57.142108 -2.104712
AB11 6EE 14 7 57.142666 -2.103045
AB11 6EF 47 2 57.141849 -2.102547
AB11 6EG 18 0 57.141668 -2.103918
AB11 6EH 27 0 57.141327 -2.104214
AB11 6EJ 15 0 57.141075 -2.104478
AB11 6EL 19 8 57.142368 -2.105357
AB11 6EN 17 8 57.143383 -2.107714
AB11 6EP 5 4 57.14229 -2.111603
AB11 6EQ 7 7 57.142283 -2.109752
AB11 6ER 30 2 57.140753 -2.112656
AB11 6ES 25 0 57.14082 -2.108393