all postcodes in AB39 / STONEHAVEN

find any address or company within the AB39 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB39 2WL 11 0 56.967435 -2.234133
AB39 2WN 11 0 56.967559 -2.235021
AB39 2WP 17 0 56.96805 -2.231571
AB39 2WQ 12 0 56.968511 -2.235077
AB39 2WS 50 2 56.962822 -2.226424
AB39 2WT 30 0 56.969823 -2.234559
AB39 2WU 32 0 56.970332 -2.236585
AB39 2XD 6 0 56.963834 -2.230368
AB39 2XF 15 0 56.971791 -2.234209
AB39 2XG 51 0 56.972023 -2.234984
AB39 2XH 12 0 56.972612 -2.232504
AB39 2XJ 3 3 56.973029 -2.23045
AB39 2XL 16 0 56.964464 -2.222931
AB39 2XN 2 0 56.951153 -2.218239
AB39 2XP 4 0 56.9383 -2.235215
AB39 2XQ 10 1 56.94412 -2.240594
AB39 2XR 3 0 56.934519 -2.270241
AB39 2XS 7 0 56.932034 -2.260233
AB39 2XT 7 0 56.92208 -2.272911
AB39 2XU 8 0 56.914652 -2.280198