all postcodes in AB39 / STONEHAVEN

find any address or company within the AB39 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB39 2RG 5 0 56.971294 -2.202238
AB39 2RH 4 0 56.970742 -2.202326
AB39 2RJ 4 0 56.971498 -2.201491
AB39 2RL 18 0 56.971697 -2.200538
AB39 2RN 11 0 56.971175 -2.200963
AB39 2RP 12 0 56.971497 -2.20238
AB39 2SP 6 0 56.968443 -2.21284
AB39 2SQ 6 0 56.96853 -2.214354
AB39 2SR 44 0 56.966429 -2.233978
AB39 2ST 25 0 56.96477 -2.237092
AB39 2TA 2 0 56.964853 -2.212695
AB39 2TD 6 3 56.96357 -2.23031
AB39 2TF 82 0 56.966287 -2.23776
AB39 2TJ 4 0 56.957194 -2.20296
AB39 2TL 5 0 56.944992 -2.207356
AB39 2TN 14 0 56.931268 -2.208339
AB39 2TP 7 0 56.910252 -2.200044
AB39 2TQ 17 0 56.912668 -2.21882
AB39 2TR 6 0 56.91426 -2.239958
AB39 2TS 12 0 56.926748 -2.243965