all postcodes in AB43 / FRASERBURGH

find any address or company within the AB43 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB43 6PE 5 0 57.567353 -2.193141
AB43 6PH 7 0 57.579404 -2.20078
AB43 6PJ 2 0 57.581822 -2.223141
AB43 6PL 5 0 57.574212 -2.232335
AB43 6PN 9 0 57.570835 -2.246456
AB43 6PP 4 0 57.577336 -2.265311
AB43 6PQ 3 0 57.586967 -2.259912
AB43 6PR 7 2 57.598769 -2.256399
AB43 6PS 2 0 57.605208 -2.262524
AB43 6PT 5 0 57.619646 -2.250654
AB43 6PU 9 0 57.625489 -2.234186
AB43 6PX 3 0 57.630111 -2.221791
AB43 6PY 3 0 57.635484 -2.215761
AB43 6PZ 4 0 57.58966 -2.196823
AB43 6QA 2 0 57.623839 -2.214208
AB43 6QB 3 0 57.619552 -2.208301
AB43 6QD 2 0 57.621399 -2.222714
AB43 6QE 3 0 57.612206 -2.223238
AB43 6QH 1 0 57.609638 -2.242401
AB43 6QJ 4 0 57.591406 -2.221505