all postcodes in AB43 / FRASERBURGH

find any address or company within the AB43 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB43 6QL 5 0 57.589689 -2.242068
AB43 6QN 3 0 57.596101 -2.247029
AB43 6QP 2 0 57.607384 -2.243781
AB43 6QQ 4 0 57.59918 -2.234385
AB43 6QR 5 0 57.610465 -2.206542
AB43 6QS 1 0 57.61841 -2.186583
AB43 6QU 1 0 57.616282 -2.15979
AB43 6QX 1 0 57.610483 -2.163564
AB43 6QY 1 0 57.609756 -2.182739
AB43 6RB 4 1 57.584897 -2.086283
AB43 6RD 1 0 57.583204 -2.079238
AB43 6RE 2 0 57.575647 -2.075147
AB43 6RF 9 0 57.58967 -2.094507
AB43 6RH 8 0 57.583 -2.059287
AB43 6RJ 11 0 57.57662 -2.041352
AB43 6RL 5 0 57.57031 -2.022187
AB43 6RN 4 0 57.566785 -2.016105
AB43 6RP 3 0 57.578851 -2.029031
AB43 6RQ 9 0 57.591105 -2.021764
AB43 6RR 5 0 57.592863 -2.034044