all postcodes in AB43 / FRASERBURGH

find any address or company within the AB43 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB43 6RS 6 0 57.584328 -2.04742
AB43 6RT 3 0 57.595927 -2.054574
AB43 6RU 12 0 57.590375 -2.087617
AB43 6RW 1 0 57.590199 -2.095963
AB43 6RX 7 0 57.588814 -2.097816
AB43 6RY 6 0 57.590973 -2.1055
AB43 6RZ 18 0 57.587205 -2.086656
AB43 6SA 4 1 57.592996 -2.122568
AB43 6SB 2 0 57.607118 -2.148744
AB43 6SD 10 0 57.614885 -2.151454
AB43 6SE 4 0 57.62481 -2.141762
AB43 6SF 8 0 57.585875 -2.08779
AB43 6SG 5 0 57.58835 -2.094135
AB43 6SH 3 0 57.629029 -2.151524
AB43 6SJ 1 0 57.586896 -2.092392
AB43 6SL 7 0 57.618895 -2.128397
AB43 6SN 2 0 57.607221 -2.109921
AB43 6SP 2 0 57.618852 -2.120753
AB43 6SQ 61 2 57.587358 -2.091596
AB43 6SR 39 0 57.586618 -2.090936