all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 0HH 7 0 57.302931 -2.342533
AB51 0HL 5 3 57.30555 -2.375337
AB51 0HN 10 0 57.308061 -2.354145
AB51 0HP 3 0 57.313091 -2.360468
AB51 0HQ 25 5 57.311561 -2.383582
AB51 0HR 11 1 57.30451 -2.399818
AB51 0HT 10 0 57.321955 -2.380303
AB51 0HU 8 1 57.319052 -2.394447
AB51 0HX 14 0 57.328736 -2.401066
AB51 0HW 24 0 57.342236 -2.417058
AB51 0HY 12 0 57.345793 -2.41994
AB51 0HZ 42 3 57.34315 -2.417634
AB51 0JA 14 0 57.337807 -2.40987
AB51 0JB 4 0 57.351797 -2.410569
AB51 0JE 8 0 57.343217 -2.432355
AB51 0JF 6 0 57.3466 -2.420365
AB51 0JG 11 0 57.33445 -2.328586
AB51 0JJ 3 0 57.345827 -2.444
AB51 0JL 7 1 57.336947 -2.424656
AB51 0JN 4 0 57.316843 -2.402825