all postcodes in AB51 / INVERURIE

find any address or company within the AB51 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB51 0FA 6 0 57.338401 -2.315033
AB51 0FB 61 0 57.235379 -2.351144
AB51 0FD 25 0 57.236434 -2.34968
AB51 0FE 45 0 57.233895 -2.345482
AB51 0FF 4 0 57.367182 -2.370957
AB51 0FG 15 0 57.233588 -2.342895
AB51 0FH 25 0 57.234109 -2.342767
AB51 0FJ 10 0 57.234701 -2.342971
AB51 0FL 14 0 57.235444 -2.344171
AB51 0FN 16 0 57.334047 -2.324513
AB51 0FP 12 0 57.335299 -2.31268
AB51 0FT 23 0 57.234494 -2.352809
AB51 0FW 6 0 57.336815 -2.316996
AB51 0FX 3 1 57.335312 -2.318096
AB51 0FY 17 0 57.341767 -2.316091
AB51 0FZ 6 0 57.339518 -2.313613
AB51 0GA 7 0 57.333307 -2.318859
AB51 0GB 7 0 57.337674 -2.321638
AB51 0GD 9 0 57.335479 -2.319509
AB51 0GE 3 0 57.336075 -2.318335