all postcodes in B17 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B17 0TG 19 3 52.447845 -1.966586
B17 0TH 36 0 52.447188 -1.964409
B17 0TJ 24 0 52.446693 -1.961025
B17 0TL 33 0 52.446432 -1.961644
B17 0TN 30 0 52.446991 -1.965248
B17 0TP 24 0 52.446758 -1.967985
B17 0TR 30 0 52.446515 -1.966764
B17 0TS 23 0 52.447001 -1.968441
B17 0WD 1 1 52.460706 -1.995232
B17 0ZE 1 1 52.460706 -1.995232
B17 0ZX 1 0 52.460706 -1.995232
B17 0ZS 1 1 52.460706 -1.995232
B17 0NQ 15 0 52.454339 -1.950306
B17 0RZ 1 0 52.460706 -1.995232
B17 0HL 4 0 52.458814 -1.94512
B17 0ES 16 0 52.457721 -1.95298
B17 0DA 67 0 52.449093 -1.946539
B17 0TZ 6 0 52.45492 -1.966242
B17 0UA 4 0 52.455163 -1.966227