all postcodes in B17 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B17 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B17 0SA 12 0 52.446495 -1.959039
B17 0SB 30 0 52.446395 -1.958348
B17 0SD 20 0 52.446566 -1.957406
B17 0SE 28 0 52.447132 -1.9577
B17 0SG 6 0 52.447142 -1.958877
B17 0SJ 27 0 52.454739 -1.961695
B17 0SL 11 0 52.454011 -1.962108
B17 0SN 7 1 52.453651 -1.96074
B17 0SP 39 0 52.454614 -1.962873
B17 0SR 15 0 52.454623 -1.964329
B17 0SS 7 6 52.455792 -1.965565
B17 0ST 53 0 52.454435 -1.965831
B17 0SU 29 0 52.454255 -1.966302
B17 0SW 17 0 52.45322 -1.961079
B17 0SX 42 0 52.45332 -1.964978
B17 0SY 69 0 52.453842 -1.967052
B17 0TA 10 0 52.452637 -1.966023
B17 0TB 29 0 52.451693 -1.966613
B17 0TD 12 1 52.450309 -1.966673
B17 0TE 3 0 52.448609 -1.966321