all postcodes in B17 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B17 0QR 38 0 52.450234 -1.958006
B17 0QS 28 0 52.449398 -1.957712
B17 0QT 43 5 52.449595 -1.956403
B17 0QX 34 0 52.449181 -1.954137
B17 0RB 28 0 52.448788 -1.96351
B17 0RD 7 0 52.449103 -1.963804
B17 0RE 16 0 52.448681 -1.965541
B17 0RF 24 0 52.44824 -1.963319
B17 0RG 21 0 52.447835 -1.960583
B17 0RH 27 0 52.449102 -1.960523
B17 0RJ 30 0 52.449381 -1.962436
B17 0RL 22 0 52.44832 -1.960141
B17 0RN 16 0 52.448022 -1.957449
B17 0RP 16 1 52.447564 -1.957611
B17 0RR 23 0 52.447457 -1.960701
B17 0RS 21 0 52.447817 -1.963217
B17 0RT 18 0 52.448178 -1.965468
B17 0RU 15 0 52.447827 -1.965424
B17 0RX 21 0 52.447467 -1.963394
B17 0RY 24 0 52.447088 -1.960716